Roanoke Litigation and Trial Lawyer

Building Defenses In Various Circumstances

Virginia residents face circumstances where they need a clear defense. These circumstances could include a civil lawsuit, DUI charge, or an accusation of domestic violence. Residents who are facing potential financial losses or the loss of their freedom need legal help. An attorney could help them fight against the odds.

Fighting a Lawsuit

In a civil lawsuit, the victim must prove that avoidable circumstances were present. They must prove that the defendant had previous knowledge of risks. The victim must prove that the defendant was liable for their injuries. These requirements must be substantiated with evidence. It cannot be their word against the defendant.

Defendants of lawsuits fight back by building a clear defense. For example, a defendant in a premise's liability case could present surveillance footage of the accident. A doctor in a medical malpractice case could present evidence of their actions. This includes documented case files and witness testimony. Defendants that need help with these cases hire a Roanoke Litigation and Trial Lawyer today.

Evaluating Defenses for a DUI

The state of Virginia enforces the implied consent ruling. However, all drivers have the right request legal counsel when they are arrested. By initiating this right, law enforcement officers cannot start chemical testing before the driver's attorney arrives. Officers who refuse this legal right could face a dismissal of their case. A Roanoke Traffic Lawyer helps these drivers.

Equally, a first-time offender is eligible for a treatment program in lieu of a conviction. If a judge approves this option, the defendant must fulfill certain obligations. Any defendant that doesn't fulfill the requirements faces an immediate conviction. A Roanoke VA Traffic Lawyer could negotiate to secure this opportunity.

Reviewing Domestic Violence Laws

False allegations of domestic violence occur often in divorce proceedings. Under Virginia law enforcement must arrest the individual identified as the perpetrator. They don't see clear signs of self-inflicted injuries immediately. A complete investigation of these allegations could reveal the truth.

Defendants who are the subject of a protection order must abide by these requirements. Any violation of the order results in future criminal charges. A Attorney helps these defendants fight the original charges.

Virginia residents face circumstances that could affect the rest of their lives. This includes financial losses after litigation and felony criminal charges after a DUI. A lawsuit could damage their company's credibility. Domestic violence charges could prevent them from obtaining a better job. Residents who are facing these challenges should hire an attorney immediately.